Messiaans-Joodse soldaat vocht als een leeuw tijdens Hamas’ invasie 7-10

David Ratner

David Ratner, een gedisciplineerd soldaat, wist dertig terroristen te doden toen zijn post werd aangevallen door 400 Hamas-terroristen.
Uiteindelijk overleefde vijf mensen uit zijn platoon deze hel, mede omdat hij aanviel met zijn Negev machinegeweer.

Zij vochtten in totaal tien uur en hij vocht nog acht uur door na geraakt te zijn in de nek.

David was een actief lid van de Beit Hallel-gemeente in Ashdod, waar hij ook deelnam aan de jeugdgroep.

Honderden Messiaans-Joodse en Christelijke reservisten zijn opgeroepen.
Sinds de onafhankelijkheidsoorlog al dienden Messiaanse Joden in het Israëlische leger. 

David Ratner

Origineel bericht op

Messianic Jewish soldier killed in action during Hamas’ invasion of southern Israel

Messianic Jews have fought for and died for the nation since the War for Independence

The first Messianic Jewish soldier to be killed during Israel’s fighting with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists was announced on Sunday.

David Ratner, a soldier in the Israel Defense Forces was killed while fighting terrorists infiltrating a base in the south.

He was a fighter in the 13th Golani Battalion. Ratner’s former commander had this to say about his dedication and performance.

“I had the privilege of commanding him, he was the best fighter I’ve seen in my life, the first for any mission, the last to complain. A machine that does every task given to it with distinction.”

Ratner and his fellow soldiers were overwhelmed by about 400 Hamas terrorists who stormed their post.

“He saved his friends thanks to the fact that he attacked them with the Negev machine gun and took down 30 terrorists (out of 400 who raided the post). A war hero,” the commander said.

He explained that Ratner fought while injured until the end.

“David Ratner fought with his platoon for ten hours,” he related.

Two hours after the start of the fighting, he was shot in the neck, after which he continued to fight and cover for his fellow platoon members for another eight hours. During the fighting, David killed approximately thirty terrorists, covered his friends, and thanks to him, five soldiers from the platoon survived the inferno.”

David was also an active member of the Beit Hallel congregation in Ashdod, where he participated in the youth group and volunteered in the congregation.

Besides the Messianic soldiers in active duty as part of their mandatory military service, hundreds of Messianic Jewish and Christian reservists have answered the call to defend their nation since the invasion.

Messianic Jews and Christians have served in the IDF since the War for Independence, and many have won awards for distinction in service.

Midden december viel nog een Messiaanse soldaat. Lees dit bericht (Engels).

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